当社の一連のコンプライアンス トレーニング ソリューションと、オーダーメイドのトレーニング製品を作成する専門知識を日本のお客様に提供できることを嬉しく思います。
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GRC Solutions Japanサイトへようこそ
GRC Solutionsは、日本企業の様々なご要望にお応えするために、カスタマイズ可能なコンプライアンス教育ツールをe-learning形式で提供しています。弊社の包括的なeラーニングコースは、いじめや嫌がらせ、マネーロンダリング防止(AML)、データプライバシー、汚職・腐敗防止汚職など、さまざまなコンプライアンストピックをカバーしています。
eラーニングサービスを利用することで、貴社の従業員はいつでもどこでも高品質な多言語eラーニングにアクセスすることができ、コンプライアンス基準を遵守し、リスクを効果的に軽減するために必要な知識とスキルを身につけることができます。GRC Solutions Japanは、貴社のコンプライアンス研修の取り組みを強化し、貴社コンプライアンス文化の醸成をサポートいたします。
![]() GRC Solutionsは、2023年度Regulation Asia AwardにおいてBest Compliance Training Providerを受賞しました。 |
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Discover why so many companies choose GRC Solutions compliance training
"As a subscriber to the GRC Solutions weekly compliance bulletins, the BankVic team has found these a valuable resource for keeping up-to-date with new and changed regulatory and code obligations that affect the mutual banking industry, and how these changes might impact our organisation"

Compliance Manager at BankVic
"The project was extremely positive for both organisations. The GRC Solutions team delivered a visually impactful bespoke learning solution that met HCF requirements… on budget and ahead of deadline."

Compliance Manager at HCF
"I think that this was one of the best modules ever! Whoever created this module should be congratulated over and over. The fact that I have just spoken with a teacher who was having the very difficulties made the module more helpful. Once again thank you."

Pastoral Care, Mercedes College
“The ‘Adaptive’ learning feature is fantastic! It gives learners a sense of control of how they wish to learn and the opportunity to re-confirm/validate their existing knowledge.
The training content is easy to follow, with the use of case studies and relevant scenarios to demonstrate to learners how the content is applied in real life. As a Salt platform Administrator, my experience is made easy with the range of reports available and the patience and support of the GRC Support team, who are always ready and willing to help.”

Learning & Development Specialist at Allied Credit
"I wanted to compliment [GRC Solutions IT Manager] Cody Jones on providing a new customer with an exceptional level of service. Cody is responsive, helpful, no question is a problem and nothing is too much trouble. Cody gives us confidence combined with a pleasant personality which makes our Salt experience so much more manageable and enjoyable."

Risk, Safety & Compliance Officer, Mercy Education Limited

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GRC Solutions’ team of legal, educational and technology specialists, working in partnership with our clients, win multiple awards, including Best Compliance Training Project at LearnXLive every year for over ten years. Imagine what we can do when we work with you!

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