Design learning that sticks – webinar recording
Design learning that sticks – webinar recording
People Risk RegTech Solutions in a COVID-19 World
GRC Solutions Managing Director Julian Fenwick has participated in a global RegTech showcase with other RegTech professionals and experts.
Retail Banking Workshop – Lending and hardship assistance during the pandemic – regulatory developments and issues
Register for our 7 July online Retail Banking Workshop and Q&A Session - Lending and hardship assistance during the pandemic
Webinar: How whistleblowers could be a valuable asset to your organisation
Join our friends at Whispli for this webinar on Wednesday, July 22nd, 12.30PM AEST
Webinar: Create beautiful e-learning on the fly with Salt Adaptive
Learn how easy it is to Build-Deploy-Edit-Report with Salt Adaptive in this webinar.
Recording available
Modern Slavery – What do you need to know?
Webinar recording available to download
Free Webinar – Addressing Modern Slavery in the Financial Services Sector
The Australian Border Force Modern Slavery Business Engagement Unit and QIC’s Kate Bromley will take part in this webinar hosted by Kimberly Randle of Fair Supply
Free Webinar – Protecting Vulnerable Customers from Potential Financial Abuse
The Recording is available
Online Responsible Managers Workshops – December 2020
Liam O'Brien, GRC Solutions' Subject Matter Expert, delivers a series of short AFSL and ACL Responsible Managers CPD virtual workshops
Responsible Lending Obligations Masterclass
Liam O'Brien, GRC Solutions' Subject Matter Expert, will join Allens lawyers and AFIA's CEO to discuss the legal and practical implications for lenders and borrowers of the government's proposed changes
Resources Available – Modern Slavery Webinar – Indicators of modern slavery in financial transactions
Resources Available - Modern slavery is a risk for financial services businesses in Australia – in this webinar, Kimberly Randle of Fair Supply looked at the financial typology of modern slavery
Webinar Recording Available – Fostering diversity, inclusion and respect at work in the age of Zoom
Recording of Catharine Lumby (Professor of Media at the University of Sydney, author, journalist and Principal of Catherine Lumby Associates) in conversation with Adrian Phoon (Head of Content at GRC Solutions and former Co-Chair of Sydney Gay & Lesbian Mardi Gras)
Webinar Recording Available – Taking the RISK out of financial crime risk assessments
Technology has come a long way to help businesses re-evaluate their risk exposures to financial crime - in this webinar we showed how adopting technology can improve efficiencies and effectiveness of your risk assessment
Online Responsible Managers Workshops – August 2021
Liam O'Brien, GRC Solutions' Subject Matter Expert, delivers a series of short AFSL and ACL Responsible Managers CPD virtual workshops
Free Webinar – The Design and Distribution Obligations – Recording and slides available
You have your Target Market Determinations in place and have set up their review schedules - but there is still more to do
Webinar Recording Available: Mandating Staff Vaccinations – Practical Considerations
Organisations are grappling with whether and how to implement mandates on employee vaccinations; liability for any risks to health and safety in the workplace; reluctance for their staff to return to work; record-keeping with respect to vaccination statuses, consent and privacy; and ever-changing laws and regulations that can vary not only from state to state but also from month to month.
But apart from the legal position, what about the practicalities?
Free Webinar – Monitoring ESG risks in your supply chains
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) risks are a big deal for business. In this free webinar on 17 November we discuss what's involved in monitoring them
Webinar Recording Available – Promoting Financial Literacy for Your Staff
How can employers support staff wellbeing by equipping them with the knowledge and skills to make wise financial decisions? In this February 3 webinar, we discussed the employer's role
Season of Virtual Financial Services Compliance Forums
Ongoing support for financial services compliance and risk staff navigating the current regulatory environment in Australia
Follow-up Webinar: Questions and Answers: Your Next Modern Slavery Statement
Under the Modern Slavery Act, calendar year reporting entities have less than 3 months until the end of their new reporting period.
Online Responsible Managers Workshops – May 2022
Liam O'Brien, GRC Solutions' Subject Matter Expert, delivers a series of short AFSL and ACL Responsible Managers CPD virtual workshops
Recording Available – Nature positive: How to address the risk of biodiversity loss in your operations and your value chain
Download the webinar recording - The challenge of measuring the impact of your company value chain or portfolio upon biodiversity
Free EQ webinar – Communicate with Influence
Strategies for influencing people when you don't have the advantage of positional authority
Webinar: The new Global Estimates of Modern Slavery – The numbers, methodology & implications for supply chain risk mitigation
The numbers, methodology & implications for supply chain risk mitigation
Recording Available – Free Webinar: Greenwashing. Is your company at risk?
The self-promotion of Environmental Social Governance (ESG) credentials is now a feature of companies of all stripes. With this deluge of green claims has come rising concern about greenwashing.
Webinar: The Future of Modern Slavery Reporting in Australia
Following the success of our previous collaboration, GRC Solutions and FairSupply delivered their first webinar of 2023, titled: The Future of Modern Slavery Reporting in Australia. The review of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act is drawing to a close in the coming months. The review has focused on assessing what steps may be necessary to improve the …
Free Webinar: Workplace Behaviour: the changing landscape
The Respect@Work amendments to the Sex Discrimination Act are now law. The amendments impose a positive duty on employers to take reasonable and proportionate measures to eliminate sexual harassment and hostile work environment, as far as possible, in the workplace. The Respect@Work amendments are emblematic of the evolving responsibilities of employers to manage workplace behaviour …
Financial Services Compliance Forums
AICD - Melbourne Level 26, 367 Collins Street, MelbourneOur highly-regarded workshops return to Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne in March
Financial Services Responsible Manager Workshops in Sydney
GRC Solutions Offices Level 14, 201 Kent Street, SydneyGRC Solutions is taking its popular courses for Responsible Managers of both Australian Credit Licensees and Australian Financial Services Licensees live to the major cities in 2023. Our highly-regarded AFSL and ACL RM workshops are once again going live. Both sessions will focus on the general obligations of Responsible Managers within the respective licensing regimes, …
The Future of Modern Slavery Reporting in Australia
The review of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act is drawing to a close in the coming months.
Financial Services Responsible Manager Workshops in Melbourne
AICD - Melbourne Level 26, 367 Collins Street, MelbourneGRC Solutions is taking its popular courses for Responsible Managers of both Australian Credit Licensees and Australian Financial Services Licensees live to the major cities in 2023. Our highly-regarded AFSL and ACL RM workshops are once again going live. Both sessions will focus on the general obligations of Responsible Managers within the respective licensing regimes, …
ICA International Diploma in AML – Info Session and Q&A
Meet the lecturers and learn why the Diploma may be right for you or for some of your staff
Webinar: The New Global Slavery Index – The numbers and their meaning for business
The numbers, methodology & implications for supply chain risk mitigation The new Global Slavery index is launching on 24 May 2023, presenting the very best data available on the location and prevalence of modern slavery. This long-awaited index will prove to be a game-changer in the fight against modern slavery. It will both empower businesses …
Financial Services Responsible Manager Workshops in Sydney
GRC Solutions Offices Level 14, 201 Kent Street, SydneyGRC Solutions is taking its popular courses for Responsible Managers of both Australian Credit Licensees and Australian Financial Services Licensees live to the major cities in 2023. Our highly-regarded AFSL and ACL RM workshops are once again going live. Both sessions will focus on the general obligations of Responsible Managers within the respective licensing regimes, …
Complaints Handling for Financial Services – Online Workshop
The complaints handling online workshop will provide professionals with knowledge on complaints handling and practical advice on designing and implementing a complaints handling framework in their organisation. This session will cover: Background to Complaints Handling (Regulatory Guide 271) Defining Complaints Internal Dispute Resolution External Dispute Resolution Recent AFCA Activity Date: 23rd June 2023 Time: 11:00 …
Financial Crime Webinar: Sanctions, managing your responsibilities
To comply and to protect their reputation, businesses must have a clear understanding of managing sanctions and engaging with clients. Sanctions are volatile and change with little or no notice. As economic sanctions continue to feature in the news headlines, it becomes more and more important that businesses have a clear understanding of managing sanctions …
Financial Accountability Regime (FAR) – Online Workshop
This Financial Accountability Regime online workshop will provide professionals with an overview of the Financial Accountability Regime and provide practical tips on how to comply with FAR and embed the regime throughout the organisation. This session will cover: Background to FAR Who will be accountable people? What are the FAR obligations? Embedding FAR in your …
Design and Distribution Obligations Online Workshop
A DDO update and refresher - another of our popular, highly interactive workshops in webinar format for your convenience.
ICA International Diploma in AML – Info Session and Q&A
Meet the lecturers and learn why the Diploma may be right for you or for some of your staff
Webinar: Addressing modern slavery risk in the push to “net-zero”
Getting ready for the new CPS230 - another of our popular, highly interactive workshops in webinar format for your convenience.
CPS 230 Obligations Online Workshop
Getting ready for the new CPS230 - another of our popular, highly interactive workshops in webinar format for your convenience.
Financial Services Responsible Manager Workshops in Brisbane
AICD - Brisbane Level 9, 123 Eagle Street, BrisbaneGRC Solutions is taking its popular courses for Responsible Managers of both Australian Credit Licensees and Australian Financial Services Licensees live to the major cities in 2023. Our highly-regarded AFSL and ACL RM workshops are once again going live. Both sessions will focus on the general obligations of Responsible Managers within the respective licensing regimes, …
Financial Services Responsible Manager Workshops in Melbourne
AICD - Melbourne Level 26, 367 Collins Street, MelbourneGRC Solutions is taking its popular courses for Responsible Managers of both Australian Credit Licensees and Australian Financial Services Licensees live to the major cities in 2023. Our highly-regarded AFSL and ACL RM workshops are once again going live. Both sessions will focus on the general obligations of Responsible Managers within the respective licensing regimes, …
Financial Services Responsible Manager Workshops in Sydney
GRC Solutions Offices Level 14, 201 Kent Street, SydneyGRC Solutions is taking its popular courses for Responsible Managers of both Australian Credit Licensees and Australian Financial Services Licensees live to the major cities in 2023. Our highly-regarded AFSL and ACL RM workshops are once again going live. Both sessions will focus on the general obligations of Responsible Managers within the respective licensing regimes, …
Financial Services Compliance Forum – Melbourne
AICD - Melbourne Level 26, 367 Collins Street, MelbourneThe GRC Solutions Compliance Forums have long been well-regarded opportunities for ADI staff – especially Compliance and Risk teams – to hear from, and pose questions to, experts in relevant fields, and to mix and share experiences and insights with their peers in the industry. Those who have attended in the past will attest to …
Financial Services Compliance Forum – Brisbane
AICD - Brisbane Level 9, 123 Eagle Street, BrisbaneThe GRC Solutions Compliance Forums have long been well-regarded opportunities for ADI staff – especially Compliance and Risk teams – to hear from, and pose questions to, experts in relevant fields, and to mix and share experiences and insights with their peers in the industry. Those who have attended in the past will attest to …
Financial Services Compliance Forum – Adelaide
AICD Adelaide Level 23, Westpac House, 91 King William Street, AdelaideThe GRC Solutions Compliance Forums have long been well-regarded opportunities for ADI staff – especially Compliance and Risk teams – to hear from, and pose questions to, experts in relevant fields, and to mix and share experiences and insights with their peers in the industry. Those who have attended in the past will attest to …
Financial Services Compliance Forum – Sydney
Stone & Chalk Level 4, 11 York St (above Wynyard Station), SydneyThe GRC Solutions Compliance Forums have long been well-regarded opportunities for ADI staff – especially Compliance and Risk teams – to hear from, and pose questions to, experts in relevant fields, and to mix and share experiences and insights with their peers in the industry. Those who have attended in the past will attest to …
Webinar recording available: Developments in Competition and Consumer Protection Law
Armed with greatly increased penalties for breaches, the ACCC is actively taking a robust approach to enforcing consumer protection laws In this free webinar, Aimee Barclay, Legal Director of Adprim Solutions, in conversation with Phil Haultain, GRC Solutions’ General Counsel, presented guidance on what businesses need to do to comply with the changed law and …
Webinar Recording Available: Key sustainability considerations for asset managers for 2024
In 2024, businesses and financial institutions are expected to embrace ESG criteria not just for compliance or risk management, but as a chance to fundamentally transform their business models to become more sustainable and increasingly more transparent In this webinar, Kasia Zatorska (Ogier Sustainable Investment Consulting) and Dr Arne Geschke (Fair Supply) will discuss: key …
GRC Solutions’ Half Day Financial Services Responsible Manager Workshops in Melbourne
AICD - Melbourne Level 26, 367 Collins Street, MelbourneGRC Solutions is taking its popular courses for Responsible Managers of both Australian Credit Licensees and Australian Financial Services Licensees live to the major cities in 2024. Our highly-regarded AFSL and ACL RM workshops are once again going live. Both sessions will focus on the general obligations of Responsible Managers within the respective licensing regimes, …
GRC Solutions’ Half Day Financial Services Responsible Manager Workshops in Adelaide
AICD Adelaide Level 23, Westpac House, 91 King William Street, AdelaideGRC Solutions is taking its popular courses for Responsible Managers of both Australian Credit Licensees and Australian Financial Services Licensees live to the major cities in 2024. Our highly-regarded AFSL and ACL RM workshops are once again going live. Both sessions will focus on the general obligations of Responsible Managers within the respective licensing regimes, …
Recording and Resources Available: Embedding modern slavery due diligence practices in NZ organisations
With New Zealand regulations tightening and public expectations rising, businesses must stay ahead of the curve to ensure they are part of the solution to combat modern slavery.
GRC Solutions’ Half-day Financial Services Responsible Manager Workshops in Sydney
GRC Solutions Offices Level 14, 201 Kent Street, SydneyGRC Solutions is taking its popular courses for Responsible Managers of both Australian Credit Licensees and Australian Financial Services Licensees live to the major cities in 2024. Our highly-regarded AFSL and ACL RM workshops are once again going live. Both sessions will focus on the general obligations of Responsible Managers within the respective licensing regimes, …
Resources Available – GRC Solutions’ Free Webinar: Empowering Your L&D Team with Data
L&D teams and compliance staff face some common questions: what is the ROI on mandatory workplace learning? How can we demonstrate the effectiveness of our compliance training? Here's what L&D professionals tell us every day They feel siloed from major decisions within their organisations. They see other functions using data to support the business but …
Free Webinar: Meeting the Deadline: Strategies for June 30 Reporting on Modern Slavery and Climate Disclosures
Essential information for Sustainability and Procurement Managers, Compliance Officers and Legal Professionals, Business Leaders and Executives, Finance Professionals Join Kim Randle, CEO & Co-founder of Fair Supply, in discussion with Julian Fenwick, CEO of GRC Solutions, for an insightful webinar focusing on critical compliance topics for businesses as the June 30 reporting deadline approaches. Kim …
Free webinar: Why Quality Cybersecurity Content is so Crucial
Local councils in NSW are grappling with a critical issue: a lack of robust cybersecurity measures (NSW Auditor-Geneal Report) Cyber threats are becoming more complex and frequent, meaning that the importance of robust cybersecurity measures is paramount. The backbone of strong cybersecurity is not just in systems, but also people. This webinar is applicable to …