Course Jurisdiction: New Zealand
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Anti-Bribery and Corruption – Global
Globally, governments are looking at ways of reducing the prevalence of bribery and corruption in...
Anti-Money Laundering – New Zealand
The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (AML/CFT) is the primary legislation...
Unconscious Bias
Everyone has unconscious biases of one sort or another, which can affect the objectivity of...
UK Bribery Act
The UK Bribery Act has been described as groundbreaking in scope and reach, and as...
Trade Based Money Laundering
Trade Based Money Laundering is “the next frontier” in international money laundering law enforcement. As...
Sanctions Compliance Training
This course will help you understand what economic sanctions are, how they work and how...
Privacy – New Zealand
This course provides training on dealing with personal information under the latest New Zealand Privacy...
Modern Slavery – Global
Modern slavery can affect any country; the United Nations estimates there are more than 40...
Modern Slavery Awareness – Microlearning
Are your staff equipped to identify and appropriately respond to modern slavery risks? Do you...
Mental Health and Wellbeing – Microlearning
Understanding mental health for our professional and personal lives Our society is starting to understand...
Introduction to Trade Finance
Trade is not without risk for buyers and sellers, and international trade has certain features...
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
This training is for staff of businesses worldwide on complying with the international obligations of...
Fair Trading – New Zealand
The Fair Trading Act affects every facet of your business and at all levels from...
Cybersecurity – Global
Preventing Data Breaches Everyone in the workplace has a role to play in information security....
Consumer Guarantees – New Zealand
The Consumer Guarantees course identifies the common areas where organisations and individuals often go wrong....
Commercial Practices and Acquisitions – New Zealand
This Commercial Practices and Acquisitions course identifies the common areas where organisations and individuals often...
Code of Conduct Training
What are the values and standards that every employee must comply with in the course...
Workplace Behaviours – New Zealand
A many as one in three NZ workers report experiencing workplace bullying each year –...
Health & Safety at Work – New Zealand
Everyone who goes to work should come home from work safely. But hundreds of people...
Contract Fundamentals – New Zealand
Entering into contracts is a fundamental part of doing business. Ensuring your legally binding agreements...
Mental Health in the Workplace
Understanding mental health for our professional and personal lives 1 in 5 Australians will experience...
Proliferation Financing Awareness
Stakeholders in the financial sector need to understand Proliferation Financing and its consequences The proliferation...
Whistleblowing – New Zealand
Training for staff and management on their rights and responsibilities under New Zealand whistleblower law...
Fraud Awareness – New Zealand
Two people who corruptly attempted to profit from the Christchurch rebuild were recently convicted and...
Drug and Alcohol Education – Australia
Managing alcohol and drug use in the workplace Understanding the risks, maintaining safety, offering support...
Manual Handling – Australia
Managing risks and looking after people’s physical health in the workplace Safe management of inherently...
Impact of Climate Change – Australia
What does climate change mean for you, for your business and for the economy? It...
Fatigue Management – Australia
Managing fatigue and its serious consequences Fatigue management saves lives Fatigue is a serious problem...
Chain of Responsibility Awareness – Australia
Managing the risks of road transport accidents Chain of Responsibility legislation extends liability to all...
Asbestos Awareness – Australia
Identifying asbestos and managing risks Asbestos remains present in many places Although asbestos has been...
ESG – Australia
Implementing ESG principles in organisations ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) encourages organisations to act...
Anti-Money Laundering – Global
This Anti-Money Laundering course trains reporting entities and their representatives to understand their obligations and...
Fraud Awareness – Global
The most powerful anti-fraud weapon are educated and aware employees. Fraud exists in almost every...
Conflicts of Interest Training
Maintaining client trust through recognising and managing conflicts of interest Failing to manage a conflict...
Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act Training – New Zealand
Crucial training for staff involved in the provision of consumer credit. In the highly regulated...
Trade Financing (Global)
Practical training in identifying and managing the risks of global trading. In a globally interconnected...
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